We offer the following IT services to our clients:

-  Application Architecture

-  Custom Software Development

-  Secure Coding


What is application architecture?

Application architecture analyses the needs of business processes and the information that supports them, identifies the software applications that can fulfil these needs, and describes their behavior and how they interact with each other and with users. It focuses on the data consumed and produced by these applications and ensures that they are mapped to the initial business processes.

What is custom software development?

Custom software development is the process of creating a software solution to a well-defined need and includes the various stages of the software development life cycle from ideation to planning, development, testing, deployment, maintenance and new iterations.

Custom software development is the alternative to paying for a commercial software license. Commercial software, or commercial-off-the-shelf software, refers to a software product created for a general need and designed to be resold under license to anyone with that general need.

What is secure coding?

Secure coding is an attempt to use knowledge of common vulnerabilities and programming errors when developing, assessing and testing an application’s code. An awareness of the most common types of vulnerabilities, how to identify them and how they can be exploited is essential to eliminating them from applications and driving down the number of vulnerabilities and exploits associated with production code. This can help an organization to limit its exposure to data breaches and other costly cyber-security incidents and alleviate some of the high costs associated with identifying and patching vulnerabilities in production.